Bahamas? Mediterranean? Sea of Cortez??

We’ve got a crazy scheme. But it keeps changing. Like every week.

The house (aka money/time pit)

Like. Every. Week.


I’ll take the blame for that. That’s what husbands do, right?

Currently, we own a house. Well, the house owns us. It’s an old house by N.American Standards (over 100 yrs.) So it’s needed an update or two. I eagerly took this on (again, I’m taking blame) and started renovating it. Bathroom, bedrooms, another bathroom, hallways, floors, another bathroom, walls, insulation, electrical… you name it! It’s been fun, I genuinely enjoy renovating, for the most part. But not gonna lie, I’ve spent many an evening and weekend cussing the previous homeowners (“They used licence plates to seal a roof leak?!? SERIOUSLY?!”)

But it’s been over 5 years of weekends + evenings. And. it’s. not. done.

Something had to change. The house can’t magically change, so we are.

We’re going to ditch being owned by this house, only we don’t know how yet (Air bnb it? Rent it? Sell??) But we’re going to start focusing on family and staying happy (and sane).

We’re going to start owning our lives again.


What does that mean?

Not just one plate. 18!

That means spending more time together. That means more fun, less work.

That means simplifying our lives. Getting rid of stuff. Getting more adventure.

Currently, we plan on adventuring in our own “backyard” with our new (to us) sailboat! We’ll learn how to sail, and then? Who knows?!


Did someone say Bahamas? Or Mediterranean? Sea of Cortez??


The following is a list of just some of the crazy plans we I have come up with. Can you guess which we’ve actually started planning for?

  • Rent out the basement, live in the rest of  the house.
  • Live in the basement, rent out the rest of the house.
  • Live in the boat, rent out the entire house.
  • Live in a tiny home.
  • Live in an RV.
  • Live on a boat.
  • Sell the house, cut our losses and buy a catamaran in Europe.
  • Airbnb out the basement and any other rooms we don’t mind losing access to.
  • Sell the house and buy a smaller one.
  • Finish renovating the basement, Airbnb it. Finish renovating the rest of the house. Airbnb it during weekends. Live on the boat for those weekends. Start saving like crazy to get a bigger boat.  Develop some online sources of income. Get bigger boat. Homeschool the kids. Travel. 

    Sailing on Lake Ontario