We’re a family living in Hamilton, Ontario who love to get out and explore as much as we can. But we’re kinda stuck in the ‘Canadian Dream’.

Ya know, “get a job, get married, have kids, buy a house, stuck in a 9-5 job to pay for said house…” That ol’ chestnut.

And we want out!

But who are we?

It’s kinda a secret…

Some of you know who we are, good Sherlocking! We’re okay with it, that’s pretty cool. Unless you’re my boss. Then you probably have some questions…

Like: “Wadda ya mean, ‘STUCK in a 9-5′??!? I thought you loved your job!”

And I do! But I love my family more. And it’s becoming more and more clear to us that not only is a 9-5 pushing us away from each other, but that in the amazingly internet-connected world we now live in: a 9-5 isn’t even necessary (gasp!)

So we have a hazy, loose plan to (someday, somehow) skip out of the Canadian Dream! Leave our house! Get out of our bubble! Escape the hamster wheel! Explore the world while we’re still young enough and active enough to enjoy it!!

Which is why I don’t really want my boss to come across all this. Which is why it’s kinda a secret, we don’t want him to know we’ve got this crazy scheme!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to meet you out on a trail, or a body of water someday! *smileyface emoji*



PS. Does anyone actually have a work schedule that’s 9-5? I’ve never had a job starting so late into the morning!